It has certainly been a while since I have posted anything to the blog. But this past weekend, I had an opportunity to photograph a high school senior and a college senior. I'm super grateful for the time that we spent together and getting to know them more. We all toughed it out and tried to withstand the cold weather and crazy wind, especially on Saturday. Kudos to Gabby for wearing a dress with the weather being the way it was. "You tha real MVP."
Jayden Nixon - high school senior
Jayden is a high school senior from the Charlottesville area. I didn't know Jayden and his family but found out that we had many different connections with people we knew. We really live in a small world, I'll tell ya that much! It was awesome to meet Jayden and his family! Good luck with the rest of your school year and let me know where you choose to attend college!
Gabby Smith - college senior
Gabby and I go wayyyyyy back. Back to the middle school days and spending our summers at the Boys and Girls Club in Charlottesville. When I moved away, we lost touch and somehow reconnected when we got to college. The first time that I had seen her (outside of social media) since middle school was at a bowling alley in Harrisonburg when some friends and I got together for my birthday. Since then, we've been keeping tabs on how we were doing and scheduled to do a shoot together! It's so awesome to be able to reconnect with amazing, lifelong friends. Wish I could be at your graduation, Gabby! I'm proud of everything that you've accomplished! The future is bright for you.